When God’s Word Puts Words to your Heart

In these weird days do you ever feel like that simple question: “how are you doing?” is really hard to answer?  Does it get even harder when someone goes even deeper to the place of “How’s your soul?” or “where are you seeing and experiencing God in this moment?” My short answer to all of…


I have a document on my desktop entitled “The Year of 40,” because yes, 2020 is the year in which I hit that milestone birthday: 40 years old! I am not typically one who wants to draw attention to myself or who feels that I “deserve” to celebrate or be celebrated. But when I found…

LIE: My Tears Reveal My Weakness

I am a crier—and I’m not talking a cute crier…. I am an ugly crier—a snotty, sniffly, can’t talk crier.  I am not the “cries at weddings and touching movies” kind of crier. I am a “cries at the most inappropriate and inconvenient times” kind of crier. It is something I have wrestled with my…

Freedom Tool: Vulnerability

On retreat recently I started digging into a great book by Andy Crouch called Strong to Weak. In it, he speaks about the concept of “human flourishing” which is basically a synonym for what I refer to as soaring; being “fully alive.” And the summary of his findings and the thesis of the book is…