When the Christmas Spirit Seems far

It’s been over a month since I last posted here. A lot has happened in our nation. A lot has happened in my heart. I currently have a seven-page document filled with notes, thoughts, stories, quotes, and emotional purging entitled “The Unexpected Sadness” open on my desktop. I have tried time and again to take…

On November 4th…or 5th…or 28th…

How do we come together after this election? This is the question I have probably been wrestling with more than any other these last few weeks. How can we do it as a nation? How can we do it as a Church? My answer? I don’t know. I have to be honest; platitudes just aren’t…

Why this Election Feels so Personal

“The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood, but the speech of the upright rescues them.” (Proverbs 12:6 NIV) There are many posts here that I have fought writing. But no fight has been longer and harder, than the battle to write this one. I have wanted to tell the stories of everyone…

How we can Love by Listening

We are a nation painfully divided. That was the thesis of my last blog post. The chasm between us has grown ever wider. The discourse has become uglier. The willingness to come together in compromise has nearly evaporated. And it is not just in our politics. It is in our friendships. It is within our…

A Nation PAINFULLY Divided

Would I be going too far if I started this blog post by admitting that our nation is a mess? I know that people from other countries look at what is happening here and just shake their heads in disbelief. I honestly wonder if God does the same. I have only walked this earth for…


The other day I received a text from a friend: “Hey how’s your day going? Interested in being an editor today? If you have time, I would love any advice you would give me on this short piece I wrote…” How’s my day going? My day is going horribly. Virtual learning is not working today;…


About this last year I was beyond thrilled to hop on a plane by myself to head up to Philadelphia for a few days. I was going at the invitation of a pastor friend who had asked me to speak at his staff retreat. But knowing that such chances to be away with focused time…

A Third Way: Faith and Politics

I grew up in a politically active home. My parents were strong Democrats who choose careers in the non-profit arena. They were on their own and together committed to being knowledgeable and engaged. A campaign poster declaring “For the People and the Environment: Merson for Congress” hung prominently as a piece of art in the…

A Little Disclaimer Before we Begin

Before we get started, I feel it necessary to make this disclaimer: These words I’m getting ready to share are for those in my life who would self-identify as “Christian” If you do not find yourself in that category, PLEASE KEEP READING, because there is a message in here for you too. The word the…

The Next Chapter in Vulnerability

I can’t begin to tell you the number of times I have started to write this series of blog posts on my computer, on random scraps of paper, in the note section of my phone or just in my head. The need to speak has been like a burning fire in my soul. And yet…