Freedom Tool: Vulnerability

On retreat recently I started digging into a great book by Andy Crouch called Strong to Weak. In it, he speaks about the concept of “human flourishing” which is basically a synonym for what I refer to as soaring; being “fully alive.” And the summary of his findings and the thesis of the book is…

The Lie: “Fun is Indulgent”

We have no problem understanding that kids need to have fun and so we do everything we can to foster that in them. We buy them great toys and take them on great adventures. We enroll them in clubs and get them on teams. We encourage their imagination and give them hours to just go…

“Un”Healthy Relationships

The other day in my blogging group, a member shared a personal story about the toxic relationship she shares with her father and stepmother. According to her, her father has been emotionally, mentally and physically abusive her entire life. Despite this abuse, she moved in next door to him to take care of him and…